I had the amazing opportunity to attend a Christmas Gala for Niya Management!

Okay, now you’re thinking, “Sounds fun, but what the heck is Niya Management?

They book, manage and represent talent! Anywhere from modeling to acting. Simple right? But I found out that there is so much more to them and the company than just representing talent. 

But now, who is Niya?
Niya started out as a model herself when she was about 16-17, then came to Utah and worked with a photographer, who also did castings.
At the time, she was having a hard time working with some other agencies. They did things a little differently and she just wanted more.

And she found it.

She started helping people get signed who were out of Utah, and suddenly she just knew.
“Oh! This is what I gotta do!” She says, “I think I just needed to bring what Utah hadn’t had before.”
She found her passion.

Every year they throw a holiday party for their talent. They choose a day to celebrate them. And each year, they also choose something to donate! This year it was donations for a food bank. But they’ve had donations for people that they know are maybe going through a rough time, and donate money to them, or clothes. 
In Niya’s words, “If we’re going to get a bunch of people together, we have to choose somethin’.”

I asked Niya, “If somebody wanted to sign with you, how would they go about doing that?”
Niya: “We don’t just sign anybody. We’re very hands-on, because we’re more of a management company. So it’s not just some talent agency with like, however many talents- whoever wants to do it. You have to audition. Some people will come to open calls 2-3 times before we actually sign.”

Check out the open calls on their website, and the submit tab, or they do post on their Facebook and Instagram!
Don’t let what she said scare you though. They want people to continue to come. If you don’t hear anything, they want you to follow up and keep coming! Don’t give up. What’s amazing, is if it’s something you need to work on, they tell you, and help you with it. They don’t just deny you and leave you high and dry wondering what it is you need to be working on. 

Stephanie, the talent director, went on to say, “A lot of other agencies charge to teach you how to walk and all these other classes. We don’t do that, we’re not a school.” But people can still learn from them.
Niya was literally ready to have her second baby and she was teaching a room full of girls how to walk.
Plus at this holiday party, she had just gotten her gal bladder out, and she was still there because she wanted to be a support. Everyone made sure she took it easy though, don’t worry.
“I think that says a lot about her character.” Stephanie says. “That’s the type of person she is. She really gives her whole heart. She wants them to do their best.”

Niya: “Same with Steph, for the acting auditions she books, like if someone might need a little more help with reading their lines, she’ll give them pointers. She’ll make sure their resume is up to date, get em in with an acting coach right away-whatever they need.”

And I just love that. They are all so supportive of each other, and they really care. Most agencies/agents don’t care. I feel like it can be, “Hey, work on it and if you find someone to help you, cool. If not, too bad.”

I had such a fun time at the holiday event, and I am so thankful they allowed me to be a part of it.

Thank you to all those associated with the agency, and to all those who participated to make the evening perfect.
Taylor- Agency Assistant  
Niya Boyakin-CEO
Stephanie Brochinksy-Booker 
Eva Chanel Stephens -Drag Queen 
DJ Suzy 
Five Wives Vodka 
Blonde Who Bakes 
Sweet Tooth Fairy
Chris Blackburn- Red Carpet Photos 
Caty Gainer- Photographer 

Thank you to my sister Courtney, who also happens to be my personal assistant whenever I need her! Haha.
She was able to get me an invite to the Gala to do a blog post on it. So thanks Courtney!

And thank YOU, yes, you.
Thank you for reading and for all your support to my blog.

I wouldn’t get opportunities like this without your support, and it’s so appreciated!

Much love! ❤

Email for business inquiries:
Follow me on Instagram: Monica_DeMill

Follow Niya on Instagram: Niyaonrye


Sure, you could go with a last minute gift card, or that extra $5 you happen to have, or anything you might have in your purse or car at the moment (been there… whoops)

Lets be honest. Even when you think you have all your shopping done, there always seems to be that last minute gift! So, I’m here to just throw out some ideas! Plus, if anyone needs idea’s on what to get me… *Cough cough*.

I made sure to include things you can find pretty much anywhere. Whether you’re an online shopper or you prefer those Target runs!


This is a GOOD IDEA. Especially now that we’ve hit winter time. It’s good for emergency’s, or if you’re like me and you eat your lunch in your car on break sometimes, (I’m only a little introverted…) you don’t want to keep your car running with the heat on just to stay warm… Car blanket please! (Hint hint)


These are always so fun! Especially the mini ones. Small but useful things are sometimes the best. Plus they can bring it with them anywhere. P.A.R.T.Y


I know, I know, cliche. But you can find gorgeous arrangements for the holidays! Many vendors do themed bouquets, which I think is adorable. And 1-800 Flowers even has some that are qualified for same-day delivery, even on Christmas Eve! Ya know, in case you’re super last minute. (Plus, edible arrangements. Dude.)


This one is a cute, personal, last minute gift! Who doesn’t have a Facebook or Instagram now days? If they do, go save a few of their pictures. Maybe with their sig. other, dog, cat. You can easily put these posters together at Walmart, or even Shutterfly and the like. So cute!


Trust me, this sounds silly, but there are so many people with a secret mug collecting obsession. *Raises hand slowly*. There are so many cute mugs out there. Wherever you go, you’re bound to find something. Go fuel someones secret obsession. 


Hear me out.
ESPECIALLY for the pet lover in your life, right?
They’re driving to work, or they get somewhere important and realize…
They have fur ALL OVER THEM with no lint roller in sight! 
But now here you are, you just saved the day. Plus you found a cute lint roller, and they are super thankful right now. Good job.


For that person in your life that says they don’t know what they want, or they don’t want anything. Get them some anti-slip slippers. They might not think they’re a slipper person, but when you slip your feet into some comfy slippers… especially after rubbing some lotion on them. Best. Feeling. Plus you can tell them you’re putting their comfort first and it sounds adorable. Haha. 


Whether it’s to a play, a movie, comic con, you name it, there’s probably a thing for it. You can buy most tickets pretty dang far in advance. They wanna go see that new Avengers movie when it comes out? Guess what, here’s tickets for that. Basketball game? Here you go. 
Plus they can request the day far enough in advance from work to actually make use of the tickets. Advance tickets are the way to go!


You can find these pretty much anywhere, and there are hundreds of cute character options! Does that person have a favorite show? Chances are, there’s a Funko Pop for that. Can never go wrong with cute little knick knacks at a cheap price.

CARDS (or other games)

Honestly you can never go wrong with a game! Plus, just get a deck of face cards and you’re set. They can do whatever they want. The world of game ideas are almost endless. Go for it.


You can never go wrong here! Ask them what their favorite is if you don’t know. Get them the biggest bottle of Dr. Pepper you can find, or go to Costco and get a giant bag of Popcorn. What’s their favorite? Go find it!


Instagram: Monica_DeMill

Email: (any business inquiries please email me)

OOTD (outfit of the day)

Everyone seems to like my Outfit of the day posts on Instagram.
But then I thought, is that enough?
I wanted to be able to link the outfit, not just tell you guys about it.
So, welcome to a new Segment of OOTD!

*DISCLAIMER: This post contains affiliate links. It means I may earn advertising / referral commission if you make a purchase through my link, without any extra cost to you.  

It helps keep this little blog afloat. Thank you for your support!

Today, the Outfit Of The Day comes from Of course it does, and honestly most of my outfits will, because that is where my closet is. Link to the outfits will be directly under the photos, but comment below, email me, or IM me on Instagram if I miss anything, or you want more info on any of the outfits.

Zora Pinstripe Wide Leg Jumpsuit

(Personal measurements for reference)

I am 5,5 and I am wearing a Medium

Send me your looks!

Instagram: Monica_DeMill



Funny title, right?

I wanted to do more of an appreciation post today… 

I don’t tell him enough. 

But I love him. I appreciate him.

My husband.

In fact, without even knowing it, he came up with the title of this post. 

We were cuddling in bed, watching F.R.I.E.N.D.S and he was scratching my head because he knows it relaxes me. 

I had sort of a long day. The day before, he had taken me to the Dentist, and so I was in a lot of pain. I have to take all of these medications now (okay, like, 2) to prepare me for a root canal, and to help manage the pain. 
Swallowing pills gives me anxiety. I don’t know why. It seems like such a small thing to freak out about, but when I swallow something whole, my throat closes up.
I’ve already gagged and almost threw up multiple times.
I’m over it. 

But anyway. This is about my husband. Haha.

Mainly it’s going to consist of how much he’s been there for me, though.

The other day, I told my husband that I needed a “mental health” day. It happens sometimes, no shame.

And he was very caring and supportive about it. He could have been annoyed, or just let me be. But immediately he said, “Okay! We’ll go the humane society to let you see some animals, we’ll go get lunch then we’ll come back, relax, and watch some F.R.I.E.N.D.S. How does that sound?”
Such a good mental health day. He knew I just needed to relax and not think about anything. So he didn’t make me decide what to do that day, he just took me places and relaxed me.
What a great husband.

And that’s what he does. Even if I don’t specifically tell him I need a mental health day, he’s always there making sure I’m not stressing out about something.

He gives me massages, and I find out later that he has been so sore for a few days.

He does the laundry while I’m at work so that I have no chance of doing it.

He cooks dinner, and washes the dishes afterwords.

When I ask what I can do to help, he responds, “You can sit there and relax. I got this.”

He opens my doors for me. Not because he thinks I can’t do it, but because he wants to do it.

He turns on F.R.I.E.N.D.S because he knows it’ll make me laugh and scratches my head.

I’ve had like, 100 career changes, and he’s supported every single one. And it usually goes like this:

Me: I want to be a vet!
Him: Do it!
Me: I dunno, I’m such a wuss, I would cry… maybe I’ll do network marketing!
Him: You’d be so good at that! Do it!
Me after a while of doing it: It didn’t work out. I’m going to work at Chick-fil-a
Him: You would be adorable.
Me after a while working at chick-fil-a: I hate fast food, I’m going to go be a teller at a bank!
Him: You’d be an adorable teller! Do it.
Me later: I’m going to be a full time blogger one day, and I’ll get to work from home, and we’ll have a pretty house and not have to worry about money!
Him: You’d be so good at that! Go for it!
Me now: Still pursuing the blogging thing XD

And that’s how it goes. He supports me in anything that makes me happy. He invests in me. When I did online marketing, he bought product from me. With this blogging thing, he’ll take me to the mall to get a new outfit and then take me somewhere and take pictures of me for my Instagram.

And I have NEVER heard him complain.

I wish there was a perfect way to show him how much I appreciate all he does for me. But a whole blog post embarrassing him should do 😉

He argues, but I’m the lucky one.

What is something your S/O does that you want to thank them for? Something they do that seems effortless, but it means a lot to you. I want to know!

Email me:

Send me a message on Instagram: Monica_DeMill

Thank you, Porter. I love you ❤️


Hey guys!

I wanted to write something a little more silly.

I’ve been writing about fashion and some darker topics, so I wanted to write something just… fun to read!

Not that the other ones aren’t.


Let’s be a little less serious today.

Today, I want to talk to you about…


I also wanted to do something else a little different.

Instead of a full on blog post.



Let me know what you think! Is it better than a full on blog post or would you rather read?

Click down below to watch the video!

Have fun!

Instagram: monica_demill



As I’m working on making my video blog for you guys, I wanted to post something else so I didn’t keep y’all waiting. Editing can be quite the process, but I’m super excited! It’s something really silly, but I feel like a lot of people can relate.
You’ll see.
Anyway, I realized I had no plans for a Halloween blog, so uh. This might be it. We’ll see.
I thought of this because yesterday me and some coworkers were talking about scary movies, ghosts and all that other fun stuff.
I’m not much of a fan of horror movies. A Quiet Place is one I really loved though. I’m not sure if it’d be considered horror, or just suspenseful…
But I do like REAL horror. That makes me sound like a sociopath, but fake horror bores me.
Wow… saying it out loud makes me sound like a psycho.
I’ve recently been into “True crime” podcasts. They scare the heck outta me, but true stories (scary or not) have always interested me. Or even “based on a true story”.
Who can relate?
Luckily my coworkers agreed. Except one of them thought I needed to be checked into a mental hospital. Haha.
Then we got on the subject of Ghost stories. True ghost stories. And I’ve had  my share of adventures.
I used to work at a movie theater that gave me my first wave of paranormal experiences. And it’s just kind of followed me from there. Although I haven’t noticed anything out of the ordinary after recently moving.
It’s hard not to be a believer when you can’t find rational explanations. Like footsteps coming toward me, only to find out nobody is there when I turn around.
Or a loud knocking/banging on the fridge or breaker box.
Or sitting completely still at a desk only to see your shoelaces have been untied in mere seconds. (That was my husbands experience. At the same theater, by the way.)
The other night, hubby came home around 2am. (He works late shifts) and told me he was walking around the lobby after they had closed. He was walking toward a hall, and at the very end of the hall he saw a large black shadow pass by. Like, what? Of course he went to go investigate and saw nothing. Trick of the eye? Possibly. But he swears by it. And I believe him! Cause it’s cool. Haha. 
Oh man, the stories I could tell you.
Do you guys believe in Ghosts? If you have a story, I want to hear it! I want to do a part 2 on this with some different ghost stories. Or maybe some creepy things your kids have said; sometimes that’s a fun segment. Gotta get into the Halloween vibe! I’ll leave my email at the end of this, so be sure to email me with your stories, and I’ll put them in my next Halloween post!
Speaking of Halloween, I’m totally going to be a Crayon. Yep, that’s right. A Purple Crayon. Freaking love it, and I am so excited. Pictures to come. 
Add that to your email too. What are you going as for Halloween? Are you dressing up at all?
I’m weird because I’ve always loved to dress up. I’ve gone to Comic Con, and I just can’t go places like that without dressing up!
Same with Halloween. I don’t think I’m doing anything on Halloween, but I can’t NOT dress up. Plus when kids come to the door, I think they’d think that a person dressed like a Crayon would be pretty funny.

And for my job, I’m volunteering at the Hogle Zoo to pass out candy for the kids! So of course I have to dress up!


Be sure to stay tuned for part 2, because I will be telling my own personal ghost stories as well as stories you have sent me! So send me some because I want to hear them!

Happy Halloween.

Stay spoopy.

Image result for halloween photography tumblr



Hello everyone!

This week has been kind of a crazy one, to say the least.

I’ve been working on a new blog post for y’all, but that might not be done for a bit. I’ve decided I want this next one to be more interactive, so it will be my first official video blog! I feel like I am horrible in front of a camera, but I had too much fun with it, so I definitely have to show y’all, no matter how cheesy. So stay tuned for that.

Plus I have been sick all week, which is another reason why I haven’t really gotten a new blog post up. (Plus I threw up on my favorite and ONLY coat today, so, that’s fun…)
And also the app I’ve been using is sooo slow! So I tried to download iMovie, but it won’t download without wifi, and I just use my data, and I’ve been sick so obviously I haven’t been anywhere with wifi. Fun stuff!

Anyway. That’s what this post is for. It won’t be long, but I just wanted to keep y’all updated!

I’m still blogging! Just sort of out of commission for the time being.

Counting my blessings though, I got sick AFTER my birthday instead of before or during. Haha.

My husband was so awesome. My Birthday was on the 9th, but I had to work so we celebrated on the 8th.

He brought me Chick-fil-a breakfast in bed, we went to the zoo and spent some time there. There was nobody there because it was so cold! It was great. Plus I had on like 3 layers so… And then he took me out to dinner/lunch at the Pizza Pie Cafe, then took me to the Humane Society because I wanted to pet all the animals. Haha…
Then we went over to the Gateway in Salt Lake just to walk around and enjoy each others company. We did end up going to Gamestop and got a few games because why not?

But he still made sure to also take me out to dinner on my official birthday; he took me to this yummy Mexican restaurant called Guadalahonkys.
He was so funny. All night he was saying he felt bad because he didn’t get me a cake. I was totally okay with it, no big deal.
At the end of the night, he gave me my gifts, then said, “Okay, now wait here!” Went into the kitchen, came back with a lighter and a small tub of ice cream, and sang happy birthday. Haha how could I be mad at that? It was seriously hilarious.

I think that’s all to really update you on. I will get my Video blog out to you guys as soon as I can figure out how! Ha.


Stay safe and warm out there y’all. It’s freaking cold.

Image result for cold


Instagram: Monica_DeMill





If you saw my Instagram post, welcome, you’ve made it to the right place.

If something other than an Instagram post has brought you here, welcome!

*DISCLAIMER: This post contains affiliate links. It means I may earn advertising / referral commission if you make a purchase through my link, without any extra cost to you. 

It helps keep this little blog afloat. Thank you for your support!

I got to collaborate with Neutrogena, which is cool itself! 😂 But what was even cooler, is how much I found I actually liked the products.

I’m a little bit stubborn. And I’ll be honest, I don’t usually wash my face every single night. My face washing only happens in the shower, and without any special products.

I’ve been pretty lucky, skin wise. My skin is so sensitive, but only breaks out once in a great while. And I don’t wear makeup, so I’m sure that helps too.

But there have been some skincare products I’ve tried in the past when I’ve felt like I need to actually take care of it…

And I’ve loved some, and hated others.

I’m super particular about what I put on my skin. Because although I have pretty good skin, I feel like the wrong product will ruin it forever.

So I was a little scared, but I went for it.

And I was not disappointed!

And that’s probably all you’re here for huh? “Cool, she said it worked. That’s all I wanted to know.”

To be honest there’s not a lot more detail. I tried their pink grapefruit face cleanser.

Day one of using it was already amazing! 👌🏼 I kept feeling my face because of how soft it was 😂 I wish I had kept a video blog of every day using it, but that probably would have gotten a bit repetitive.

Anyway, I loved it. It made my skin super soft, and after two weeks of using it, I can say I did feel a change. And I haven’t broken out from missing a day or two. Which I’m already so happy about.

I’ll keep you guys updated if anything changes, but I was very happy with them! Thanks Neutrogena!

(I’ll link the products down below)

Neutrogena Oil-Free Acne Wash Pink Grapefruit Cream Facial Cleanser, Face Wash with Vitamin C and Salicylic Acid Acne Medicine to Eliminate Dirt and Oil, 6 oz




Neutrogena Oil-Free Acne Wash Facial Cleanser, Pink Grapefruit, 6 Ounce (Pack of 2)

Neutrogena Oil-Free Acne Wash Facial Cleanser, Pink Grapefruit, 6 Ounce (Pack of 2)




And there’s my review! Let me know how you liked it, and if you try it, let me know!











If you guys follow my Instagram, you know Bohme is probably on the top of my list for favorite boutiques. And I am SOOO excited for this post, because I’ve paired with Bohme to share with you guys some of my favorite outfits that I own (and some I don’t) for you to shop! ❤

*DISCLAIMER: This post contains affiliate links. It means I may earn advertising / referral commission if you make a purchase through my link, without any extra cost to you. 

It helps keep this little blog afloat. Thank you for your support!

I’m not going to start anywhere too specific. I’m just going to show you whatever my heart desires!

(Click each link to go directly to the item)

Manchester Culottes in Brick

These are one of my favorite pairs! I love the color, and the tie. I currently have a size small, but a size Medium definitely would’ve worked for me too.

They have so many styles of pants, I LOVE the variety. Their Palazzo pants are definitely a favorite here though. I’ll link a few more, and you’ll see why I love them so much!

Price: $48.50

Size: Small, Medium, Large

Annabelle Blush Trench Coat

As you can see, I have this in the color silver. They don’t have silver currently on their website, just Blush ( I got the silver one in Fashion place Mall) but I LOVE how the blush color looks! And it is soooo comfy! I feel so gorgeous in it. And kind of like a detective when I wear that hat… but that’s okay. Haha.

Price: $78.50

Size: x-small, small, medium, large

(Speaking of hats, I have two hats that I did purchase from Bohme, but they currently don’t have either one on their website. 😦 But I did get those from Fashion place as well. So go find your nearest store!)

I’m also going to note, they are ALWAYS restocking! Which I actually love. Sadly that means some of the items I have aren’t currently available- but could be brought back! So keep checking back, because they always have something new! And I’ll try and keep y’all updated!

Diamond Sky Wide Leg Pants in Marsala

Okay, OBSESSED with this outfit!!

I love these wide legged pants! (Commonly known as Palazzo pants)

I have ones like these (Sorta) in black, so I’ll picture that below since they’re not available on the website. But I totally want this pair. Ah!! (I usually get a size small, but again, medium would also work for me.)

Price: $44.50

Size: Small, medium, large

Comme Ci Comme Ca Tee

First of all, this whole outfit. Just yes. NEED these pants. But I HAVE the shirt, and I love it! The material is soooo soft and comfy! You’re probably thinking, “Okay, cute, but what the heck does it mean?” It’s French for “So so.”

Thanks to my French speaking husband.

Price: $29.50

Size: Small, medium, large

This Chic Black Mock Neck Top

Again, such a COMFY shirt! I don’t know how they manage to make all of their clothes so dang comfy, but they are. Haha. Plus the style is my faaaaavorite!

Price: $24.50

Size: Small, medium, large

(Other colors: Ivory/black/red  — Black and white — White — Black and white (inverted)  — Ivory and black  — EmeraldElderberryNavy and rust )

Some of these colors also differentiate in price

Warming Trend Knit Sweater in Ivory

Okay guys, going in with the comfy again. SUCH a comfy sweater! Aaah!!

I got a size large, and it looks amazing. (They also have this in the color Camel )

Price: $42.50

Size: Medium, large

(they have a size small in the Camel color)

Santiago Double Tassel Necklace in White

Their Jewelry is another favorite. I love the bohemian style! It’s so unique, and goes with like… everything.

(Also comes in brown instead of white)

**It’s also buy 2 get the 3rd 50% off jewelry on their website right now!**

Vervet by Flying Monkey High Rise Ankle Zip Denim

I don’t have any jeans from here (just yet) but in my photo, I’m wearing some high waist jeans which I think go perfectly with my outfit. So hey, while you’re on, go get some high rise jeans!

Price: $49.50

Size: 24-30

Final Sale – So Strappy Suede Cutout Sandals

This might make me feel a little sad, because these were my favorite shoes! And then I went on a trip to Park City with my sisters and left them at the hotel. Never to be seen again. *Sniff sniff*.

If you guys don’t take advantage of the final sale, I might have to!

Price: $31.99

Size: 5.5 – 10

Well, I think that’s a good list for now! I’ll definitely be posting more links as time goes on, because, let’s face it… I’m not done shopping there any time soon 😂

So keep an eye out for some more of my outfits, and happy shopping!! 🙌🏼